17 research outputs found

    Rol de la seguridad privada frente al lavado de activos en Colombia

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    Rol de la seguridad privada frente al lavado de activos.The roll of the private security in front of launderin

    Using Patterns for Keyword Search in RDF Graphs *

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    ABSTRACT An increasing number of RDF datasets are available on the Web. Querying RDF data requires the knowledge of a query language such as SPARQL; it also requires some information describing the content of these datasets. The goal of our work is to facilitate the querying of RDF datasets, and we present an approach for enabling users to search in RDF data using keywords. We introduce the notion of pattern to integrate external knowledge in the search process, which increases the quality of the results

    An Evaluation Framework for Data Quality Tools

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    International audienceData Quality is a major stake for large organizations and software companies are proposing increasing numbers of tools focusing on these issues. The scope of these tools is moving from specific applications (deduplication, address normalization etc ...) to a more global perspective integrating all areas of data quality (profiling, rule-detection...). A framework is needed to help managers to choose this type of tool. In this article, we focus on tool-functionalities which aim to measure the quality of data(bases). We explain what one can expect of such functionalities in a CRM context, and we propose a general matrix which can be used for the evaluation and comparison of these tools

    OCEAN: 2 1/2D Interactive Visual Data Mining of Text Documents

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    OCEAN is a tool for a posteriori visual data mining that uses the output of a text miner to help users better explore a document space. Clustered documents are transformed into a hierarchical 3D representation analog to Reconfigurable Disk Trees. An intermediary document representation allows for interface customization and offers a generic approach to 3D structuring of text miner outputs. An interactive exploration is offered that avoids tree manipulation and provides local 2 1/2D view of the disks. A user evaluation is reported that outlines the benefit of controlled document hierarchy traversal and 2 1/2D document layout. 1 A Posteriori Visual Data Mining According to [1], visualization can occur before, during or after text mining algorithms. In this work, visualization takes place after the run of the text miner (TEMIS [12]). It is used to help marketing people and decision-makers at EDF Group 1 to discover the main concepts and trends in a professional area. The text miner produces a hierarchical clustering of the documents that groups similar documents into classes and subclasses. The text miner also ouptuts a dissimilarity matrix that is used by a correspondence analysis to produce a representation of these documents in a 3dimensional space. In order to help users better explore the conceptual space produced by the classifier and extract knowledge for their professional needs, we have designed an interactive visualizer with constrained navigation and assistance for knowledge discovery. The approach is illustrated on two data sets: Dw 4606 web pages grouped into 897 classes (depth=3), and Dc 1621 corporate documents grouped into 262 classes (depth=5). Despite the high number of documents, the interface offers a clear view of the data set and enables users easily discover the document space. A qualitative evalu-1 EDF Group is a European energy leader

    Familiaes paralarval cephalopods (cephalopoda:mollusca) distributed in the pacific of colombian ocean: jouerneys, 2001-2004 regional study of the el niño (ERFEN)

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    Los cefalópodos constituyen un grupo de importancia ecológica y económica, pero el conocimiento sobre los adultos y sus paralarvas en el Océano Pacífico Colombiano (OPC) es muy limitado. Por lo tanto, se identificaron las paralarvas hasta el nivel de familia y se describió su distribución y relación con algunas variables abióticas, durante Jun-Jul.01, Ago-Sep.01, Sep.02, Sep.03 y Sep-Oct.04. Dentro de las ocho familias identificadas predominaron los calamares de Ommastrephidae (66.3%) (acaso una alta proporción de Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis y Dosidiscus gigas). Se evidenció la influencia termohalina y desoves en todos los periodos, pues las abundancias paralarvales fueron considerables (78-1655 Pl/1000 m3). La longitud del manto indicó eclosión más temprana que en otras regiones del Pacífico americano, posiblemente debido a las temperaturas más altas en el OPC. La distribución fue siempre heterogénea, usual en el plancton, pero con abundancia más baja en Sep.03 en el extremo suroccidental, quizá por la influencia del evento El Niño moderado-débil detectado sólo en ese sector. La tendencia a abundar en la noche (1674 Pl/1000 mᵌ vs. 338 Pl/1000 mᵌ en el día) y cuarto creciente (51.79%) se atribuyó a las migraciones verticales de las paralarvas, como respuesta a la luz. La variabilidad de estos hallazgos pudo estar relacionada con el comportamiento reproductivo de los cefalópodos, los cambios ambientales inter-periodos enmarcados en la gran complejidad ambiental del OPC y otros factores no sopesados, que afectan las comunidades del zooplancton, e. g., circulación de las masas de agua, disponibilidad de alimento y depredación.Cephalopods are an ecological and economic important group, but knowledge about adults and paralarvae in the Colombian Pacific Ocean (CPO) is very limited. Therefore, paralarvae were identified to the family level and their distribution and relation to some a biotic variables described during Jun-Jul.01 , Aug-Sep.01, Sep.02, Sep.03, and Sep-Oct.04. Ommastrephidae squids (perhaps a high proportion of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and Dosidiscus gigas) predominated (66.3%) within the eight families identified. Thermohaline influence and spawning in all periods were evident, since paralarval abundances were significant (78-1655 Pl/1000 m3). Mantle length indicated earlier hatching than in other regions of the American Pacific, possibly due to the higher temperatures in the CPO. The distribution was always heterogeneous, as usual in plankton, but with lower abundance in Sep.03 in the southwestern corner of the study area, perhaps due to the influence of the moderate-weak El Niño event detected only in that sector. The tendency to increase by night (1674 Pl/1000 m3 vs. 338 Pl/1000 m3 by day) and first quarter (51.79 %) was attributed to the vertical migration of paralarvae in response to light. The variability of these findings could be related with the reproductive behavior of cephalopods, the environmental changes among periods framed in the high environmental complexity of the OPC, and other factors not weighed, affecting zooplankton communities, e. g., movement of water bodies, food availability and predation.Pregrad

    PatEx: Pattern Oriented RDF Graphs Exploration

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    Parameters for a Manual Internal Recruitment of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises Financial State

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    La presente investigación descriptiva tiene como objetivo identificar y desarrollar los parámetros mínimos que se deben tener en cuenta al momento de la elaboración del manual interno de contratación de las entidades estatales excluidas del Estatuto General de Contratación de la Administración Pública, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 15 de la Ley 1150 de 2007, determinando así las etapas para el desarrollo de sus actividades contractuales: i) Etapa de Planeación, ii) Etapa Precontractual, iii) Etapa Contractual y iv) Etapa Poscontractual; así como los procesos de selección a utilizar para la contratación de bienes y servicios que requieran las Empresas Industriales y Comerciales del Estado de carácter financiero.The present investigation aims to identify and develop the minimum standards that must be taken into account when developing the internal manual recruitment of excluded state entities General Contracting of Public Administration, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of Law 1150 of 2007, determining the steps to develop its contractual activities: i) Planning Stage, ii) pre-contractual stage, iii) Contractual Stage and iv) post-contractual stage; and selection processes used for the procurement of goods and services required by the Industrial and Commercial State financial

    PatEx: Pattern Oriented RDF Graphs Exploration

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    International audienc


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    Abstract: Data Quality is a major stake for large organizations and software companies are proposing increasing numbers of tools focusing on these issues. The scope of these tools is moving from specific applications (deduplication, address normalization etc …) to a more global perspective integrating all areas of data quality (profiling, rule-detection…). A framework is needed to help managers to choose this type of tool. In this article, we focus on tool-functionalities which aim to measure the quality of data(bases). We explain what one can expect of such functionalities in a CRM context, and we propose a general matrix which can be used for the evaluation and comparison of these tools